Tuesday 29 May 2007

Mysore on Saturday

A trip on Saturday to Mysore. Which was the stronghold of the legendary Tipu Sultan, and home to the Mysore Kings.

The Palace in Mysore is supposed to be the most beautiful in India, and it didn't disappoint! It was truly remarkable inside compared to the mostly ruins I had seen up north. However no photography allowed inside, so I can't show you! Just take my word for it!

Nice scenery on the journey (3 hrs)

Hindu Temple on the way


Hindu Temple outside the palace

Me and a bronze tiger - a bit Fort Boyard but hey!

Mysore Palace from the outside

Another Hindu Temple - starting to look the same aren't they!

Wow - what a cow!

And an even bigger cow - the Nandi Bull.

Monday 7 May 2007

Back to the Leela for a nice dinner

Nice Sunday dinner at the Leela (the normal restaurant this time)
So sorry Naomi its some more food pictures for you!

Lovely to get fresh buffalo mozzerella, and really good pork chops and mash, the raspberry sorbet was also excellent!

Saturday 5 May 2007

Pictures Updated

Updated the Raj Pictures - they should all now work

Birthday Dinner at the Leela

For my birthday we went out to dinner on Friday night - Maggies last evening before leaving India too.

We discovered this week a really snazzy French restaurant hidden away on the top floor of the Leela Palace Hotel (same hotel we often go for Brunch). It is not advertised at all, and is usually only for people staying in the royal club we think, but somehow we got a table - and boy was it a good meal.

Amouse Bouche - Foie Gras on Toast with a Truffle Sauce

I quote the menu: "Three Things from a Duck".
It was Duck Breast Meat on a Poached Pear with a tasty sauce, Duck Terrine with a Poached in Red Wine Apple Slice, and of course Foie Gras with Toast

Asparagus and Palm Heart Soup - incredibly flavourful with the inspired decision to include some sun dried tomato pieces in the soup.

Guava and Pistachio Sorbet - to clean the pallette

Roast Beef Steak with Potato Rosti, Morel Mushrooms and Truffle Sauce with some liver

Vanilla Souffle, which was then opened and into which was poured Creme Anglais

Petit Fours with Coffee

A Full Group

Simon makes sure we've all payed correctly.