Friday 26 January 2007

Ben's Birthday in Bangalore

Yesterday was Ben's Birthday, he was 21 again today. He recieved a number of presents from his fellow trainees out here. Including a scarf, shirt and plectrum box - all very ethnic.

Ben opening a gift

After work we rushed into town (not that you can rush thorough Bangalore traffic - a journey which should have taken 25mins with light traffic took nearly three times that). We had reservations at the Ebony restaurant, followed by the 13th floor bar.

Both of these are on the top floor of a tower block in downtown Bangalore, and are a real find. The view from both the restaurant balcony and bar balcony are rather spectacular, as 13 floors is pretty high for Bangalore. The restaurant offers views of the town out towards Whitefield (the IT Park). While on the other side of the tower block (on the bar terrace) you can see the hotels and cricket ground.

The food in the restaurant was delicious, and the cocktails were also excellent. Much merriment was had by all, and I think we sent off Ben's birthday in style by the time the bar closed at 11pm (everything closes at this time in Bangalore)

Mike and his food



Nice steak!

View from the bar (not great camera shot as it was so dark, but you get the idea)


Anonymous said...

Looks good, but why did they garnish the second cocktail with a lump of cheddar cheese?

Blogmaster said...

I believe that is in actual fact a slice of pineapple - no cheesy cocktails here.

Anonymous said...

what did you have to eat with the steak?

Blogmaster said...

The steak was consumed with 'chefs potatoes' - sort of spicy dauphinoise, mushrooms and spinach, and had a sort of garlic sauce with it. Very tasty indeed. Minestrone soup to start with was also excellent.

Anonymous said...

i'm never sure about minestrone - you never quite know what they have put in it.. although they are always tasty.
all good here, am in the international hub of nantwich library..
have done a bit of HIGNFY recording and am going to do the latest series of top gear if you want (it starts on sunday.)

love japexx