Saturday 10 February 2007

Airshow Acrobatics

Today Doug, Simon, Anisha and I all went to the Indian National Airshow. It really is a HUGE event, organised by Farnborough International, and basically a big jolly for the Indian military, and all the plane manufacturers and affiliated constructors around the world. It was extremely hot, and as with everything here, getting into the event wasn't straightforward. But we did spend a couple of hours wandering the vast boring hangers, and watching the spectacular displays of some of the fighter pilots. Seeing F16s, F18s, MIG's and giant cargo planes doing acrobatics in the air is pretty special. Here's a video:

A MIG soars upwards

A Giant American Cargo plane

Some Fighter Jet


Freddie takes some time off from pummelling the Australians to advertise Indian Beer!

1 comment:

Andy said...

Amazing photos and the video works really well. The cargo plane down low was some of the most impressive footage - looked like a hercules to me.