Wednesday 21 February 2007


Last Week was the Bangalore leg of the WTA World Tennis Tour. A Couple of us went to the Semi-Finals on Saturday Night after work (we had to work on Saturday to make up for the Karnatakan strike the previous Monday). Good fun event. Although very different from the UK

First match was Shevdova(RUS) against Obzile(ISR). Good match, which Shevdova won. Lots of talking in the crowd though, and the game was stopped between end changes so that dead moths could be swept off the court. Bats also flew around the stands eating the giant moths that were buzzing around.
After the match a competition winner (10 year old local boy)was given the opportunity to race the winning tennis player in a remote control car race around the tennis court in a Mercedes-Benz advertising ploy. The local boy won, and the commentator rounded things off nicely: "Well Shevdova you won the tennis, and Samuel you won the car race, so its all square" (Not quite the same achievement, but a nice sentiment I guess)
There followed a very rowdy doubles semifinal involving an Indian girl, who unfortunately lost - great atmopshere though.

Meanwhile on Tuesday we went bowling again - I am improving as you can see!


Anonymous said...

what was your last bowling score.. maybe a pie chart or some other statistical aide might help us blogviewers.

Andy said...

Good photo of Giles Wemmbley-Hill in front of the tennis.

Particularly enjoyed the faces on the three Indian chaps behind you.