Thursday 8 March 2007


The Cause

The Stairs

Yesterday evening we got back from work going out shopping to discover that one of the houses we are staying in (thankfully not mine!) was flooded! Adam had actually been in the house and not noticed for a good 20mins.

It happened in Ben's room, and thankfully he is quite tidy, so there wasnt much on the floor, but the water was gushing out of the wall where one of pipes that feeds out boilers had blown clean away. It covered his floor, the landing, cascaded down and off the stairs, soaked the wall of Mike's room and the lounge floor.

All in all a nightmare!

It took the housing authority a good 30 mins to turn the water off after they had been notified, because they could not find the off switch! Cue much shouting and mobile phoning, and a big ladder, and lots of scratching heads, Mike looking worried and doing some mopping, Ben looking resigned, Anisha barricading her room against the torrent, Adam looking confused as to why he hadn't noticed, and me recording the event in full on my camera (shouts of: "Tom have you got this bit yet?" and even Ben:"Tom they've turned the lights on in the shower now, you might get a better picture")

Anyway, enjoy the pictures!

Video of the action!

Anisha Barricades herself in

Mike Mops

How many people does it take?

The Stairs dripping

Ben looks glum... but he has a Diet Coke, so its not all bad!

Waterfall City

Mike looks worried

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We loved this one!! Hopefully you are dried out now... Excellent video - real dramatic as it happens vibe (vibe seems to be a big concept here in Melbourne).