Saturday 21 April 2007

The Rains have come

Off to Rajastan for a weeks holiday, so should be some great pics early next week.

Meanwhile I apologise for slacking off the blogging recently, but nothing much has happened. Although we did have a great weekend go-carting, so I shall try to scrounge some pictures off the others to show you.

Adam, Anisha and Mike left for good two nights ago, so we said farewell to them, and Ben also went home to return in a months time. Meanwhile Simon and Doug are also having a weeks holiday - at home! So I am disappointed to be missing out on the Jacket Potatoes, Fried Breakfasts and Gammon Steaks! (ummmm..)

The rains came to Bangalore this week. No rain for 3 months, and suddenly a regular downpour every evening.

And downpour is what it is. No spitting here, mega thunderstorms, huge lightning and thunder. Quite an event, particularly after the first storm when my room filled with water after the discovery that my window is not water proof. The next day, the window had been sealed OPEN by the builders - I think some miscommunication there - but it is now fixed, so I dont get wet feet every evening.

Out on the roads the rains do cause a few problems, and out own road is now a mudbath. All part of the experience I suppose!

So to keep you all going here are a few pics from the last couple of weeks.


The first night of rain, we sat outside as we had done for the last 3 months, but quickly regretted it

Found an Italian restaurant - whoopee!

Ben and Anisha had a competition to see who had the most junk in their handbag, Anisha won (though only just - Ben thought his wet wipes might have been the tipping point)

See you all soon


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great to have a look at all your stuff - how is the bag i sent you working out - i hope you are using it!!!