Sunday 4 February 2007

Wildlife Weekend

Again we decided to leave the confines of Bangalore and set off to go to a local wildlife reserve at the Bannerghata National Park.

It took about 1 1/2 hours to reach the park, and when we did we were herded onto a rather Jurassic Park looking minibus covered in mesh and driven into the wildlife reserve.

It was a good fun trip, we did get to see a lot of deer, but also some Tigers and Bears. One bear nearly viscerated Ben's leg when it managed to get underneath the wire meshing of the bus (video to follow - when I work out how to post them!)

(l-r Mike, Me, Adam, Doug, Ben and Anisha (simon taking photo))

After the Safari we went on an elephant ride - a great experience, but I think all of us would like to try a real proper elephant trek through the jungle at some point - I am determined to get onto some travel agencies and start organising some proper trips! It is really nice to go on these little excursions however, as it gets us all out of the house, and out of Bangalore. Its also an experience to see some of India outside the security gates of work and home. There are lots of beggars who will come up to you and nag and nag you. I was particularly distressed by a couple of children (3 yrs old?) who kept coming up to pat our shoes and tug our trousers at a cafe we stopped at on the way to the park.

Fast Food is also different. There are vendors everywhere who will lop off the top of a coconut and provide a straw with which to drink the sweet juice. Burnt corn on the cob is also a favourite, and something that I can only describe as crushed bamboo sticks (large bamboo twig put through a mangle repeatedly until tender!). There were lots of these stores outside the wildlife park, and it was interesting to view and taste some of the offerings. There were also lots of cows around the food, and they will quite happily walk into the back of you because cows have the ultimate right of way in India, and will think nothing of pushing you out the way to get to where they want to go!


After the elephant ride, we went into the small zoo which was fine but not great. It was nowhere near as bad as the zoos that I have seen in Malaysia, but it was of course not up more western standards. A fun day out of the house, but I did get a bit of sunstroke! Played a game of 'Settlers of Catan' (board game) with Ben and Adam this evening (lasted about 2hours!) and then went to bed. I think I may skip brunch today, as I fancy a day without sitting in traffic for a change!

Will try and update a bit more regularly this week!



Andy said...

Great to see what you've been up to - crucial details omitted - who won catan!

As for posting a video, you need to sign up for a youtube account, load it there and then post a link.

Anonymous said...

Memories of our time in Malaysia/borneo come flooding back. The green coconut picture of you and Jennifer comes to mind. How fantastic to see tigers not in a zoo!