Wednesday 7 February 2007

Mid Week Update

Not really related to this post - but I like the picture of me and an elephant trunk!

Hi all, just a bit of an update from me mid working week. At the moment there are real problems in Bangalore between this state (Karnataka) and the state immediatley south of here (Tamil Nadu). Its all about Water In the early 1990s Karnataka was ordered to give a certain amount of resevoir water to the Tamils, which caused great resentment all round. However on Tuesday the result of a committee in Delhi was hotly anticipated (it was hoped by the Karnatakans that this would give them back their water), but the result gave away even more water to the Tamils. So instead of heading into town we stayed at home to avoid rioting in town (18,000 Riot police on standby!). However on the plus side going into town is really quick now, as all cars from Tamil are now banned from Karnataka in a retaliatary measure! (Would you ever get Scotland banning all English cars for a similar non-sensical reason?). Went bowling in town last night, and had a nice pork curry at the 'Coconut Grove' Restaurant, and am planning a long trip for a couple of weekends time to the UNESCO WOrld Hertiage Site at Hampi. Should be good!

Just a quick photo of the average Indian Lunch at the staff canteen. Out of 5 days a week we usually eat here about 3, and go to the ITPB (local International Business Park which has a Subway, Pizza Hut and KFC!) about 2 days a week for a change.

Works outdoor canteen

Ben and his Bear!


Andy said...

Cool bear video!

Anonymous said...

Save the Mad Bears